For the
last 6 months or so, our lives have been filled to the brim with all things “House
Move”. Now we are finally tucked into
our new pad, the stress and the seemingly never-ending list of paperwork to complete
seems like a dim and distant memory. Thank
about it whilst we were in the thick of it all felt like tempting fate, but it’s
too late now! We’re in!
knows the old adage of moving house being up there with bereavement and divorce
in terms of stress, but you don’t really remember, especially when the last time you did it was 16 years ago. And like childbirth, people generally do it
more than once, so it can’t be THAT bad, can it?
Let me
start by saying – we LOVE our new house.
Everytime I walk through the door, I can’t quite believe it is actually
ours. We own a 3 bed DETATCHED house
with parking. Us. We drink own brand coke and cider – just to
give you a level if you don’t know us personally.
We have 2,
that’s 2 toilets. Amazing. Apart from the fact that I now have to clean
2 toilets and buy more loo roll (WHY?
How are we using more loo roll, when there are exactly the same amount
of bums in the house still?), it’s fantastic to be able to have a wee
downstairs, but NOT to have to trip over a chair and stub your toe on the step
up into the kitchen on the long, dark trek to the downstairs loo at 4am.
It’s also
bloody marvellous to have a shower, walk out of the bathroom and straight into
your bedroom, where your clothes are all stored in your lovely new wardrobes
and drawers – just waiting for you to put them on. No more the walk of shame from the downstairs
bathroom, covering your best bits with a towel, through the kitchen, through
the dining room, up the stairs and into the bedroom, only to find you’d
forgotten to pick up a bra from the airing cupboard just outside the bathroom. The most annoying thing was discovering 5
hours later, the wet towel you’d left on the bed...
We also now
have a hall. I know it might sound daft
to those of you who already have a hall to be pleased about such a simple thing,
but it’s a very important simple thing. Previously,
we had an awkward porch, filled with shoes and coats and bags, followed
immediately by the lounge where you had to circumnavigate the finely honed
selection of exactly the right sized furniture and cat hair tumbleweeds.
The hall is
ace. The amount of doors leading off it
to other rooms is a revelation. 4 if you
count the downstairs loo. That’s 4
places I can be shut away from the children.
Bliss. If you don't understand the need to be shut away from your children, then this blog is not for you...
bedrooms are bigger, full of character and period features and MOST
IMPORTANTLY, nobody has to walk through anybody else’s bedroom to get to their
own. It’s the best thing ever.
Here’s the
trade off.
It doesn’t smell like our
house. There is still a definite whiff
of dog in the air. He was a lovely,
friendly dog, but a stinky doggy dog nevertheless. Also, it smells a bit damp occasionally, but she is a 120 year old lady so quite frankly, we can allow her a bit of leeway.
Add to that, the reluctant temporary return to the heady aroma of a cat litter
tray in a bathroom with no outside windows and an electric vent fan that sounds
like the unlikely offspring of a Boeing 747 and a mosquito. Not a great mix, nasally speaking.
The windows
are gorgeous, original, magnificent wooden sashes. They are also completely knackered. The glass is cracked, the sills are rotten,
they rattle when the cat sneezes and we have banned the children from touching
their bedroom ones on pain (pane!) of death.
We want to give our beautiful stinky house what it deserves, which is
the TLC and the period restoration of the features that I (ahem, we) fell in
love with. But Sarah Beeny and Laurence
Llewelyn Bowen we ain’t. Neither do we
have their cash, boobs or sleeves. If I
had my way, we would replace and maintain the wooden sashes, but only if the
following criteria were met:
- We could afford it.
- We could afford to get a professional in to paint them every couple of years.
- We could afford to pay the heating bills of a detached house with no double glazing.
- We could afford it.
None of the
above are relevant, so we are therefore doing the next best thing and getting
double glazed uppy downy ones. (Technical FENSA approved term...) Hurrah for
UPVC *sings Pulp’s Common People in head*
The house
also needs a new lid. Terrifying and expensive, but
true. A lovely man is coming to do it,
but I am not sure either of us can properly relax until it is finished and the
sharp sucking in of air over teeth is all over.
It’s quite a fundamental thing, a roof.
So that’s
it. A month in. Still surrounded by boxes, bubble wrap and
stuff that we don’t know what to do with or where to put. A lot of it I’m not even sure if we still
want, it was just “our stuff” and we were bringing it with us.
The giant roll of barbed wire that was loaded
onto the van on moving day had to be the highlight of “WTF!!!” for me. Until I was passed a box to go up into the
loft, labelled “OLD BANK CRAP” that is.
Luckily, we’re getting a new roof, so
no rain can leak in and ruin the very important contents of THAT box...
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